Places beginning with HI in South Dakota, United States
- Hiawatha Beach
- Hickman (historical), Township of
- Hickman, Township of
- Hidden Timber
- Hiddenwood, Township of
- Hidewood, Township of
- Highland, Township of
- Highland, Township of
- Highland, Township of
- Highland, Township of
- Highland, Township of
- Highland, Township of
- Highland, Township of
- Highland, Township of
- Highland, Township of
- Highland, Township of
- Highland, Township of
- Highmore
- Highmore, City of
- Highmore, Township of
- Hiland, Township of
- Hilde, Township of
- Hilland
- Hill City
- Hill City
- Hillhead
- Hill Ridge Development
- Hillsdale, Township of
- Hillside
- Hill Side
- Hillside Colony
- Hillside Colony
- Hillside, Township of
- Hillside, Township of
- Hillsview
- Hillsview, Town of
- Hillsview, Township of
- Hilmoe, Township of
- Hilton, Township of
- Hisega
- Hisle
- Hitchcock
- Hitchcock, Town of