Places beginning with FA in South Dakota, United States
- Fairbank, Township of
- Fairburn
- Fairburn, Town of
- Fairfax
- Fairfax (historical), Township of
- Fairfax, Town of
- Fairfax, Township of
- Fairfield, Township of
- Fairland, Township of
- Fairpoint
- Fair, Township of
- Fairview
- Fairview Heights
- Fairview (historical)
- Fairview (historical)
- Fairview, Town of
- Fairview, Township of
- Fairview, Township of
- Fairview, Township of
- Fairview, Township of
- Fairview, Township of
- Fairview, Township of
- Fairview, Township of
- Fairview, Township of
- Fairview, Township of
- Fairview, Township of
- Fairview, Township of
- Faith
- Faith, City of
- Fall River County
- Farmer
- Farmer, Town of
- Farmingdale
- Farmington (historical), Township of
- Farmington, Township of
- Farmington, Township of
- Farmington, Township of
- Farmington, Township of
- Farwell
- Faulk County
- Faulkton
- Faulkton, City of
- Faulkton (historical), Township of
- Fayette (historical), Township of
- Fayette, Township of