Places beginning with CO in South Dakota, United States
- Coal Springs
- Codington County
- Cody, Township of
- Cold Spring II (historical)
- Colfax Corner
- Collins, Township of
- Colman
- Colman, City of
- Colman, Township of
- Colome
- Colome, City of
- Colome, Township of
- Colonial Pine Hills
- Colton
- Colton, City of
- Columbia
- Columbia, City of
- Columbia, Township of
- Como, Township of
- Conata
- Conata, Township of
- Concord, Township of
- Conde
- Conde, City of
- Conde, Township of
- Condon, Township of
- Convent (historical), Township of
- Cooper (historical), Township of
- Cooper, Township of
- Copper Camp (historical)
- Cora, Township of
- Corn Creek
- Corn Creek, Township of
- Cornwall, Township of
- Corona
- Corona, Town of
- Corsica
- Corsica, City of
- Corson
- Corson County
- Corson, Township of
- Cortlandt, Township of
- Cottonwood
- Cottonwood (historical), Township of
- Cottonwood Lake, Township of
- Cottonwood, Town of
- Cottonwood, Township of
- Cottonwood, Township of
- Cottonwood, Township of
- Cottonwood Valley, Township of
- Council House
- Country Acres
- Country Estates Subdivision
- Country Gables Subdivision
- Country Village Mobile Park
- Cox, Township of