Places beginning with MC in Pennsylvania, United States
- McAdams
- McAdoo
- McAdoo, Borough of
- McAdoo Heights
- McAlevys Fort
- McAlisters Crossroads
- McAlisterville
- McBride
- McCalmont
- McCalmont, Township of
- McCance
- McCandless, Township of
- McCarroll Corner
- McCartney
- McCartys Corner
- McCaslin
- McCauley
- McCauley
- McClarran
- McCleary
- McClellandtown
- McClellan Heights
- McClintock
- McClure
- McClure
- McClure, Borough of
- McConnellsburg
- McConnellsburg, Borough of
- McConnells Mill
- McConnells Mills
- McConnellstown
- McCormick
- McCoys Corners
- McCoysville
- McCoytown
- McCracken
- McCracken
- McCrays
- McCrea
- McCrea Furnace
- McCullochs Mills
- McCullough
- McDermott
- McDonald
- McDonald, Borough of
- McDonald Heights
- McDonaldtown (subdivision)
- McElhattan
- McEwensville
- McEwensville, Borough of
- McFann
- McGarey
- McGees Mills
- McGillstown
- McGovern
- McGovernsville
- McGrann
- Mc Gregor
- McHaddon
- McHenry, Township of
- McIlhaney
- McIntyre
- McIntyre, Township of
- McKeages Crossing
- McKean
- McKean, Borough of
- McKean County
- McKeansburg
- McKean, Township of
- McKee
- McKee
- McKees Half Falls
- McKeesport
- McKeesport, City of
- McKees Rocks
- McKees Rocks, Borough of
- McKimm
- McKinley
- McKinley
- McKinley Hill
- McKinney
- McKnight
- McKnightstown
- McKnightstown Station
- McLallen Corners
- McLane
- McLaughlin Corners
- McMichael
- McMillan
- McMinns Summit
- McMurray
- McNary
- McNees
- McNett, Township of
- McPherron
- McPhersons Corner
- McSherry
- McSherrystown
- McSherrystown, Borough of
- McSparran
- McVeytown
- McVeytown, Borough of
- McVille
- McWilliams