Places beginning with MA in Pennsylvania, United States
- Mabel
- Mable Hill
- Mac
- Macada (subdivision)
- Macdonaldton
- Macedonia
- Macedonia
- Mackey Ford
- Mackeyville
- Macungie
- Macungie, Borough of
- Maddensville
- Madera
- Madison
- Madison, Borough of
- Madisonburg
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Madisonville
- Madley
- Magee
- Magill Heights
- Magnolia Hill
- Mahaffey
- Mahaffey, Borough of
- Mahanoy City
- Mahanoy City, Borough of
- Mahanoy Plane
- Mahanoy, Township of
- Mahantango
- Mahoning
- Mahoning
- Mahoning Furnace
- Mahoningtown
- Mahoning, Township of
- Mahoning, Township of
- Mahoning, Township of
- Mahoning, Township of
- Maiden Creek
- Maidencreek, Township of
- Mainesburg
- Mainland
- Mainsville
- Main, Township of
- Mainville
- Maitland
- Maizeville
- Malden Place
- Malins
- Malta
- Malvern
- Malvern, Borough of
- Mammoth
- Mamont
- Manada Gap
- Manadahill
- Manatawna
- Manatawny
- Manayunk
- Mance
- Manchester
- Manchester
- Manchester Beach
- Manchester, Borough of
- Manchester, Township of
- Manchester, Township of
- Mandata
- Manhattan
- Manheim
- Manheim, Borough of
- Manheim, Township of
- Manheim, Township of
- Manifold
- Manifold Manor
- Manito
- Manitto Haven
- Mann
- Manns Choice
- Manns Choice, Borough of
- Mannsville
- Mann, Township of
- Manoa
- Manor
- Manor
- Manor Acres
- Manor, Borough of
- Manor Heights
- Manor Hill
- Manor Ridge
- Manor, Township of
- Manor, Township of
- Manorville
- Manorville, Borough of
- Manown
- Mansfield
- Mansfield, Borough of
- Mansville
- Mantua (subdivision)
- Mantz
- Mantzville
- Maple Beach
- Mapledale
- Maple Glen
- Maple Glen
- Maple Grove
- Maple Grove
- Maple Grove
- Maple Grove
- Maple Grove
- Maple Grove
- Maple Grove
- Maple Grove
- Maple Grove Park
- Maple Hill
- Maple Hill
- Maple Hill
- Maple Lake
- Maple Point
- Maple Ridge
- Maple Shade
- Maple Shade
- Maple Summit
- Mapleton
- Mapleton, Borough of
- Mapletown
- Maplewood
- Maplewood Heights
- Maplewood Terrace
- Marble
- Marble City
- Marble Hall
- Marborough West
- Marburg
- Marchand
- Marchandville
- Marcus Hook
- Marcus Hook, Borough of
- Marcy
- Mardin
- Marene Village
- Marengo
- Margaret
- Margaretta Furnace
- Margo Gardens
- Marguerite
- Maria
- Maria Furnace
- Marianna
- Marianna, Borough of
- Marianne
- Mariasville
- Marienville
- Marietta
- Marietta, Borough of
- Marion
- Marion Center
- Marion Center, Borough of
- Marion Heights
- Marion Heights, Borough of
- Marion Hill
- Marion, Township of
- Marion, Township of
- Marion, Township of
- Marion, Township of
- Markelsville
- Markes
- Markham
- Markle
- Marklesburg
- Marklesburg, Borough of
- Markleton
- Markleysburg
- Markleysburg, Borough of
- Markton
- Marlboro
- Marlborough, Township of
- Marlboroville
- Marlin
- Marlin Hills
- Marple
- Marple, Township of
- Marron
- Mars
- Mars, Borough of
- Marshall
- Marshall Heights
- Marshall Hollow
- Marshalls Creek
- Marshall Shadeland (subdivision)
- Marshallton
- Marshallton
- Marshall, Township of
- Marshbrook
- Marshburg
- Marsh Creek
- Marshfield Station
- Marsh Hill
- Marshlands
- Marsh Run
- Marshview
- Marshwood
- Marsteller
- Marstown
- Martha Furnace
- Martic Forge
- Martic, Township of
- Marticville
- Martin
- Martin
- Martindale
- Martindale
- Martinsburg
- Martinsburg, Borough of
- Martinsburg Junction
- Martins Corner
- Martins Creek
- Martins Creek Junction
- Martins Crossroads
- Martinsville
- Martintown
- Martzville
- Marvindale
- Marwood
- Maryd
- Marysville
- Marysville
- Marysville
- Marysville
- Marysville, Borough of
- Mascot
- Mascot (historical)
- Mason
- Mason and Dixon
- Masontown
- Masontown, Borough of
- Masseyburg
- Masten
- Mastersonville
- Masthope
- Masthope Rapids
- Matamoras
- Matamoras
- Matamoras, Borough of
- Mateer
- Mather
- Mattawana
- Matternville
- Matterstown
- Matthews
- Matthews Run
- Mattie
- Mausdale
- Maxatawny
- Maxatawny, Township of
- Maxwell
- Mayberry, Township of
- Mayburg
- Mayes
- Mayfair
- Mayfair
- Mayfield
- Mayfield
- Mayfield, Borough of
- Mayport
- Maysville
- Maysville
- Maytown
- Maytown
- Mayville
- Maze
- Mazeppa