Places beginning with ST in Oklahoma, United States
- Stafford
- Staley
- Stanley
- Stapp
- Star
- Star
- Starr, Township of
- Stealy
- Stecker
- Steedman
- Steel Junction
- Stella
- Stella, Township of
- Stell Township
- Stephens County
- Stephens Gap
- Stephens, Township of
- Sterling
- Stidham
- Stigler
- Stillwater
- Stillwater, Township of
- Stilwell
- Stilwell Township
- Stonebluff
- Stone Bluff Township
- Stones Corner
- Stone, Township of
- Stonewall
- Stonewall, Township of
- Stoney Point
- Stony Point
- Stony Point
- Story
- Straight
- Strang
- Stratford
- Stratford Township
- Strauss, Township of
- Strawberry Spring
- Streeter, Township of
- Strike Axe, Township of
- Stringtown
- Stringtown, Township of
- Strohm
- Strong City
- Stroud
- Stuart
- Stuart, Township of
- Sturgis