Places beginning with SC in Ohio, United States
- Schauers Acres
- Schenck
- Schlegels Grove
- Schley
- Schoenbrunn
- Schoenbrunn Estates (subdivision)
- Schooley
- Schrader
- Schumm
- Science Hill
- Scienceville
- Scio
- Scioto
- Scioto County
- Sciotodale
- Scioto Furnace
- Scioto, Township of
- Scioto, Township of
- Scioto, Township of
- Scioto, Township of
- Scioto, Township of
- Scioto Village
- Sciotoville
- Scipio
- Scipio, Township of
- Scipio, Township of
- Scotch Ridge
- Scotland
- Scott
- Scott Corners
- Scott (historical)
- Scottown
- Scotts Crossing
- Scott, Township of
- Scott, Township of
- Scott, Township of
- Scott, Township of
- Scroggsfield
- Scrub Ridge
- Scudder