Places beginning with ST in North Carolina, United States
- Stacey
- Stackhouse
- Stacy
- Stacy, Township of
- Stafford Forest (subdivision)
- Stagecoach Forest
- Stagecoach Run (subdivision)
- Stagecoach Trail (subdivision)
- Stagecrest (subdivision)
- Stag Park
- Staley
- Stallings
- Stallings Crossroads
- Stallings Crossroads
- Stamey Town
- Stancell
- Stancils Chapel
- Stanfield
- Stanhope
- Stanley
- Stanleyville
- Stanly County
- Stantonsburg
- Stantonsburg, Township of
- Stanton, Township of
- Star
- Starlight
- Starling
- Starmont (subdivision)
- Starmount
- Starmount Forest
- Starmount (subdivision)
- Starmount (subdivision)
- Startown
- Star, Township of
- State Road
- Statesville
- Statesville, Township of
- Statesville West
- Statewood (subdivision)
- Staton
- Staunton
- Stearns
- Stecoah
- Stecoah, Township of
- Stedman
- Steeds
- Steelberry Acres (subdivision)
- Steel Creek (historical)
- Steeles, Township of
- Steele, Township of
- Steel (historical)
- Steel Worth Park (subdivision)
- Steen Town
- Steeple
- Steep Pines Fork
- Stella
- Stem
- Stephens Crossroads
- Sterling
- Sterlings, Township of
- Stevens Mill
- Stewart Crossroads
- Stewart Park (subdivision)
- Stewarts Creek, Township of
- Stewarts Creek, Township of
- Stewarts Mill
- Stewartsville, Township of
- Stewartville Acres (subdivision)
- Stiles
- Still Bluff
- Stilley
- Stilleys Crossroads
- Still Meadows (subdivision)
- Stillwood
- Stocksville
- Stockwood
- Stokes
- Stokesburg
- Stokes County
- Stokesdale
- Stokes Ferry (historical)
- Stokes (historical)
- Stokestown
- Stone Brook
- Stonehaven (subdivision)
- Stone Hedge Apartments
- Stone Mill Estates
- Stoneridge (subdivision)
- Stoneridge (subdivision)
- Stones Throw
- Stoneville
- Stonewall
- Stonewall, Township of
- Stonewood Acres
- Stoneybrook
- Stoneybrook (subdivision)
- Stoneybrook (subdivision)
- Stoneybrook (subdivision)
- Stoney Brook (subdivision)
- Stoney Brook (subdivision)
- Stoney Creek
- Stoneycrest (subdivision)
- Stoney Knob
- Stoney Mountain Estate
- Stoney Point (subdivision)
- Stony Brook North (subdivision)
- Stony Creek
- Stony Creek, Township of
- Stony Creek, Township of
- Stony Creek, Township of
- Stony Fork
- Stony Fork
- Stony Fork, Township of
- Stony Hill
- Stony Knoll
- Stony Point
- Stony Point
- Storys
- Stotts Crossroads
- Stouts
- Stovall
- Strabane
- Stradford Hills (subdivision)
- Straits
- Straits Haven
- Straits, Township of
- Stratford
- Stratford
- Stratford Park (subdivision)
- Strawberry Banks
- Strawberry Ridge
- Strayhorn Hills (subdivision)
- Strickland Crossroads
- Strickland Crossroads
- St. Stephens
- Stubbs
- Stump Sound, Township of
- Stumptown
- Stumpy Point
- Sturdivants Crossroads
- Sturgills