Places beginning with GR in North Carolina, United States
- Graber Heights (subdivision)
- Grabtown
- Grace
- Grace Chapel
- Grady Heights (subdivision)
- Gradys
- Gradys Crossroads
- Grady, Township of
- Gragg
- Graham
- Graham County
- Graingers
- Grandfather
- Grandin
- Grand Oaks (subdivision)
- Grandview
- Grandview Heights
- Grand View Park
- Grandy
- Granite Falls
- Granite Quarry
- Granite Village (subdivision)
- Grantham
- Granthams
- Grantham, Township of
- Grantsboro
- Grant, Township of
- Granville County
- Granville Terrace
- Grape Creek
- Grapewood
- Graphite
- Grassy Creek
- Grassy Creek
- Grassy Creek Number 1, Township of
- Grassy Creek Number 2, Township of
- Grassy Creek, Township of
- Gravelton
- Grave Yard (historical)
- Graybeal (historical)
- Grays Chapel
- Grays Creek
- Grays Creek, Township of
- Grayson
- Great Neck
- Great Swamp, Township of
- Green Acres
- Green Acres
- Green Acres (subdivision)
- Green Acres (subdivision)
- Green Acres (subdivision)
- Greenbriar (subdivision)
- Greenbriar (subdivision)
- Greenbriar (subdivision)
- Greenbriar (subdivision)
- Greenbriar Woods (subdivision)
- Greenbrier
- Greenbrier Estates
- Greenbrier (subdivision)
- Green Creek
- Greencrest
- Greencrest
- Greene County
- Greene Cove
- Greene, Township of
- Greenevers
- Green Farm
- Greenfield
- Greenfields Heights (subdivision)
- Greenfield (subdivision)
- Greenfield Terrace
- Greenhaven (subdivision)
- Green Hill
- Green Hill
- Green Hill (historical)
- Green Hills Trailer Park (subdivision)
- Green Hill, Township of
- Green (historical)
- Green Knolls
- Greenleaf
- Greenlee
- Green Level
- Green Level
- Green Meadows (subdivision)
- Green Meadows (subdivision)
- Greenmead (subdivision)
- Green Mountain
- Green Mountain, Township of
- Green Needles
- Green Pines (subdivision)
- Green Pond
- Green River, Township of
- Greensboro
- Greens Creek
- Greens Creek, Township of
- Greens Creek, Township of
- Greens Fork
- Green Springs
- Green Springs Mobile Park (subdivision)
- Greentown
- Green Tree (subdivision)
- Green Valley
- Green Valley Estates (subdivision)
- Green Valley Estates (subdivision)
- Green Valley (subdivision)
- Greenville
- Greenville Heights
- Greenville (subdivision)
- Greenville, Township of
- Greenwood
- Greenwood Acres (subdivision)
- Greenwood Acres (subdivision)
- Greenwood Farms (subdivision)
- Greenwood Homes (subdivision)
- Greenwood Park
- Greenwood (subdivision)
- Greesons Crossroads
- Gregory
- Gregory Crossroads
- Gregory Forks
- Gretna Green
- Greycrest (subdivision)
- Greyleigh
- Greymoss (subdivision)
- Greystone
- Greystone
- Greystone Forest
- Grier Heights (subdivision)
- Grierview (subdivision)
- Griffins Crossroads
- Griffins Crossroads
- Griffins, Township of
- Griffins, Township of
- Grifton
- Grifton, Township of
- Grimesdale
- Grimes (historical)
- Grimesland
- Grimesland, Township of
- Grimshawes
- Grissettown
- Grissom
- Grist
- Groometown
- Grove Hill
- Grovemont
- Grove Park
- Grove Park (subdivision)
- Grove Park (subdivision)
- Grove Park (subdivision)
- Grover
- Groves
- Grovestone
- Grove, Township of