Places beginning with BE in North Carolina, United States
- Beach Grove
- Beach Land Landing
- Beach Springs
- Beacon Hills
- Beacon Lake (subdivision)
- Beaman Crossroads
- Beam Mill
- Bear Creek
- Bear Creek
- Bear Creek
- Bearcreek (subdivision)
- Bear Creek, Township of
- Beard
- Bear Grass
- Beargrass, Township of
- Bear Pond
- Bear Poplar
- Bearskin
- Bearslide (subdivision)
- Bearwallow
- Bear Wallow Hollow
- Bear Wallow Springs
- Beasley
- Beaufort
- Beaufort County
- Beaufort Meadows (subdivision)
- Beaufort, Township of
- Beaumont (subdivision)
- Beautancus
- Beaux (historical)
- Beaverbrook
- Beaver Creek
- Beaver Creek
- Beaver Creek, Township of
- Beaverdam
- Beaverdam
- Beaverdam, Township of
- Beaverdam, Township of
- Beaverdam, Township of
- Beaverdam, Township of
- Beaver Dam, Township of
- Beaver Island
- Beaver Island, Township of
- Beckana (subdivision)
- Beckford Junction
- Beckwith
- Bedford
- Beech
- Beech Bottom
- Beech Brook (subdivision)
- Beech Creek
- Beechcroft (subdivision)
- Beechertown
- Beech Glen
- Beech Mountain
- Beech Mountain, Township of
- Beechtree (subdivision)
- Beechwood Shores
- Bee Log
- Beeson Crossroads
- Begonia (historical)
- Belair Estates
- Bel-Air Forest (subdivision)
- Belair (subdivision)
- Bel Air (subdivision)
- Bel-Air (subdivision)
- Belcross
- Belews Creek
- Belews Creek, Township of
- Belfast
- Belgrade
- Belhaven
- Bellair
- Bellamy
- Bell Arthur
- Bellemeade
- Belle Meade (subdivision)
- Bellemont
- Bellevue Terrace (subdivision)
- Bell Fork
- Bell Fork
- Bell Fork Homes
- Bells
- Bells Crossroads
- Bells Crossroads
- Bells Crossroads
- Bell Swamp
- Belltown
- Bellview
- Bellwood
- Belmont
- Belmont
- Belmont
- Belmont (subdivision)
- Belmont (subdivision)
- Belmont (subdivision)
- Belva
- Belvedere
- Belvedere (subdivision)
- Belvidere
- Belvidere, Township of
- Belville
- Belvoir
- Belvoir, Township of
- Belvoir, Township of
- Belwood
- Benaja
- Bending Brook
- Benefit (historical)
- Benham
- Bennett
- Benson
- Bent Creek
- Bent Creek
- Benton Heights (subdivision)
- Benton Hills (subdivision)
- Bentons Crossroads
- Bentonsville, Township of
- Bentonville
- Bent Tree (subdivision)
- Berea
- Berkeley Manor Area (subdivision)
- Berkeley (subdivision)
- Berkeley Village (subdivision)
- Berkley Place (subdivision)
- Berkshire Hills
- Berkshire Hills
- Bermuda Run
- Bermuda Run
- Berryhill
- Berryland (subdivision)
- Berry Mill
- Bertha
- Bertie County
- Bessemer
- Bessemer City
- Bessie
- Best
- Beta
- Bethania
- Bethania Station
- Bethania, Township of
- Bethany
- Bethany Crossroads
- Bethany (historical)
- Bethany, Township of
- Bethel
- Bethel
- Bethel
- Bethel
- Bethel
- Bethel
- Bethel
- Bethel Hill
- Bethel (historical)
- Bethel, Township of
- Bethel, Township of
- Bethel, Township of
- Bethesda
- Bethesda
- Bethlehem
- Bethlehem
- Bethlehem
- Bethney Heights
- Bettie
- Beulah
- Beulah
- Beulah
- Beulahtown
- Beulah, Township of
- Beulaville
- Beverly Heights
- Beverly Hills
- Beverly Hills (subdivision)
- Beverly (historical)
- Beverly Woods East (subdivision)
- Beverly Woods (subdivision)