Places beginning with BA in North Carolina, United States
- Bacchus
- Bachelor
- Back Creek, Township of
- Back Swamp, Township of
- Badin
- Bagley
- Bahama
- Bahama Park
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Bailey Camp
- Bailey Town
- Bailey, Township of
- Bainbridge (subdivision)
- Baird (historical)
- Baker Crossroads
- Bakers
- Bakers Crossroads
- Bakersville
- Bakersville (subdivision)
- Bakersville, Township of
- Bakertown
- Bald Creek
- Bald Head Island
- Bald Mountain
- Bald Mountain, Township of
- Baldwin
- Baldwin, Township of
- Baldwin Woods
- Balfour
- Ballard
- Ballard Crossroads
- Ballards Crossroad
- Balm
- Balsam
- Balsam Grove
- Baltic
- Baltimore
- Baltimore
- Bamboo
- Banalsburg (historical)
- Bandana
- Bandy
- Bandys, Township of
- Banks
- Banner Elk
- Banner Elk, Township of
- Bannertown
- Bannertown
- Banner, Township of
- Banoak
- Barbecue
- Barbecue, Township of
- Barber
- Barber
- Barberry Heights (subdivision)
- Barclay Downs
- Barclay Downs (subdivision)
- Barclay Hills (subdivision)
- Barclaysville
- Barco
- Barham
- Barium Springs
- Barker Heights
- Barkers Creek, Township of
- Barker Ten Mile
- Barlowes
- Barnard
- Barnardsville
- Barnes (historical)
- Barnesville
- Barrett
- Barretts Crossroads
- Barriers Mill
- Barringer, Township of
- Barrington Hills (subdivision)
- Bartlett
- Bartons Creek, Township of
- Bartonsville
- Bass Crossroads
- Bass Lake (subdivision)
- Basstown
- Bastogne Gables (subdivision)
- Bataan (subdivision)
- Batarora
- Bat Cave
- Batchelor Crossroads
- Bates Creek
- Bath
- Bath County (historical)
- Bath, Township of
- Baton
- Battleboro
- Battle Forest (subdivision)
- Battleground
- Batts Court
- Batts Crossroads
- Baumtown
- Baxter
- Bayberry Bluffs
- Bayboro
- Bay City
- Bayleaf
- Bayleaf (subdivision)
- Baymount Meadows
- Baynes
- Bayshore
- Bayshore Park (subdivision)
- Bayshore (subdivision)
- Baytree (subdivision)
- Bayview
- Baywood
- Bay Woods (subdivision)