Places beginning with SP in Nebraska, United States
- Spade, Township of
- Spalding
- Spalding Election Precinct
- Sparks
- Sparta
- Sparta, Township of
- Speiser Election Precinct
- Speiser, Township of
- Spelts
- Spencer
- Spencer, Township of
- Sprague
- Springbank, Township of
- Spring Branch Election Precinct
- Spring Branch, Township of
- Spring Creek Election Precinct
- Spring Creek Election Precinct
- Spring Creek Election Precinct
- Spring Creek, Township of
- Spring Creek, Township of
- Spring Creek, Township of
- Spring Creek, Township of
- Spring Creek, Township of
- Spring Creek, Township of
- Springdale, Township of
- Springfield
- Springfield Election Precinct
- Springfield, Township of
- Spring Grove, Township of
- Spring Ranch (historical)
- Spring Ranch, Township of
- Springview
- Spurior Place
- Spurville