Places beginning with PL in Nebraska, United States
- Plainview
- Platford-Springfield Election Precinct
- Platford, Township of
- Platte Center
- Platte County
- Platte Election Precinct
- Platte Election Precinct
- Platte, Township of
- Platte, Township of
- Platte, Township of
- Platte, Township of
- Platte, Township of
- Platte Valley Election Precinct
- Platte Valley Trailer Court
- Plattford (historical)
- Plattsmouth
- Plattsmouth Election Precinct
- Plattsmouth, Township of
- Pleasant Dale
- Pleasant Election Precinct
- Pleasant Hill
- Pleasant Hill
- Pleasant Hill Election Precinct
- Pleasant Hill Election Precinct
- Pleasant Hill, Township of
- Pleasant Hill, Township of
- Pleasant Home, Township of
- Pleasanton
- Pleasant, Township of
- Pleasant Valley
- Pleasant Valley, Township of
- Pleasant View Election Precinct
- Pleasant View, Township of
- Pleasant View, Township of
- Plum Creek Election Precinct
- Plum Creek Election Precinct
- Plum Creek, Township of
- Plum Creek, Township of
- Plum Creek, Township of
- Plum Creek, Township of
- Plum Creek, Township of
- Plum Creek, Township of
- Plum Grove Election Precinct
- Plymouth
- Plymouth Election Precinct
- Plymouth, Township of