Places beginning with FA in Nebraska, United States
- Fairbury
- Fairbury Election Precinct
- Fairbury, Township of
- Fairdale-Logan Election Precinct
- Fairdale, Township of
- Fairfield
- Fairfield Election Precinct
- Fairfield, Township of
- Fairfield, Township of
- Fairmont
- Fairmont (historical), Township of
- Fairview Election Precinct
- Fairview Election Precinct
- Fairview Election Precinct
- Fairview Election Precinct
- Fairview (historical)
- Fairview (historical)
- Fairview, Township of
- Fairview, Township of
- Fairview, Township of
- Fairview, Township of
- Falls City
- Falls City Election Precinct
- Falls City, Township of
- Falter Place
- Fanning Election Precinct
- Farmers Valley, Township of
- Farnam
- Farnam Election Precinct
- Farnam, Township of
- Farwell