Places beginning with DE in Nebraska, United States
- Debolt
- Decatur
- Decatur, Township of
- Deep Well, Township of
- Deer Creek Election Precinct
- Deerfield Corner
- Deerfield Election Precinct
- DeGraw
- Delaware Election Precinct
- Delaware, Township of
- Delight, Township of
- Deloit
- Deloit, Township of
- Delta (historical)
- Denman
- Denton
- Denton Election Precinct
- Denton, Township of
- Denver, Township of
- Deshler
- Deshler Election Precinct
- Deshler, Township of
- De Soto
- De Soto, Township of
- Deuel County
- Deverre
- Devils Gap
- Dewaynes Trailer Court
- Deweese
- Dewey Election Precinct
- Dewey Tabor Election Precinct
- Dewey, Township of
- De Witt
- De Witt Election Precinct
- De Witt, Township of