Places beginning with MI in Missouri, United States
- Miami
- Miami, Township of
- Miami, Township of
- Micola
- Mid City
- Middlebrook
- Middle Fabius
- Middlefork, Township of
- Middle Fork, Township of
- Middle Grove
- Middleton
- Middleton, Township of
- Middletown
- Midland
- Midland, Township of
- Midridge
- Midvale
- Midway
- Midway
- Midway
- Midway
- Midway
- Midway
- Midway
- Midway
- Mike
- Milan
- Mildred
- Miles Point
- Milford
- Milford
- Milford, Township of
- Mill
- Millard
- Millbrook
- Millcreek
- Mill Creek, Township of
- Miller
- Miller Brothers (historical)
- Miller County
- Miller Ford (historical)
- Miller (historical)
- Millers
- Millers
- Millersburg
- Millersville
- Miller, Township of
- Miller, Township of
- Miller, Township of
- Miller, Township of
- Miller, Township of
- Miller, Township of
- Miller, Township of
- Mill Grove
- Millheim
- Millport
- Millrock Ford
- Mill Spring
- Mill Spring, Township of
- Milltown
- Milltown
- Millville
- Millwood
- Millwood, Township of
- Milo
- Milton
- Milton
- Miltondale
- Milton (subdivision)
- Minaville
- Mincy
- Mindenmines
- Mine La Motte
- Mine La Motte, Township of
- Mineola
- Miner
- Mineral City
- Mineral Point
- Mineral Spring
- Mineral Springs City
- Mineral, Township of
- Mineral, Township of
- Mines
- Mingo
- Mingo, Township of
- Mingsville
- Minimum
- Minke
- Minnie
- Minnith
- Mint Hill
- Minton, Township of
- Mirabile
- Mirabile, Township of
- Miramiguoa Park
- Missionary Acres
- Mississippi County
- Mississippi, Township of
- Missouri
- Missouri City
- Missouri River, Township of
- Missouri, Township of
- Missouri, Township of
- Mitchell
- Mitchells Corner
- Mitchellville