Places beginning with LE in Missouri, United States
- Leachville Junction
- Lead Branch Junction
- Lead Hill, Township of
- Leadington
- Leadmine
- Leadwood
- Leann
- Leasburg
- Leawood
- Lebanon
- Lebanon (historical)
- Lebanon, Township of
- Lebanon, Township of
- Lebeck
- Lebo
- Lecoma
- Lede
- Leduc (historical)
- Leeds
- Leemon
- Leeper
- Lees Summit
- Leesville
- Leesville, Township of
- Leeton
- Lee, Township of
- Leibig
- Leich Ford
- Lemay
- Lemay, Township of
- Lemons
- Lenox
- Lentner
- Lentner, Township of
- Leonard
- Leopold
- Leopolis (historical)
- Leora
- Leota
- Leroy, Township of
- Le Sieur, Township of
- Leslie
- Leslie, Township of
- Lesterville
- Lesterville, Township of
- Leta
- Levasy
- Leverton
- Levick Mill
- Levy
- Lewis
- Lewis and Clark, Township of
- Lewis and Clark Village
- Lewis County
- Lewis Mill
- Lewistown
- Lewis, Township of
- Lewis, Township of
- Lexington
- Lexington (historical)
- Lexington, Township of