Places beginning with SI in Minnesota, United States
- Sibley County
- Sibley Estates East
- Sibley, Township of
- Sibley, Township of
- Side Lake
- Siegel
- Sigel, Township of
- Sigsbee
- Silica
- Silver Bay
- Silver Bay, City of
- Silver Brook, Township of
- Silver Creek
- Silver Creek
- Silver Creek, Township of
- Silver Creek, Township of
- Silverdale
- Silver Lake
- Silver Lake, City of
- Silver Lake, Township of
- Silver Leaf, Township of
- Silver Rapids
- Silverton, Township of
- Silver, Township of
- Silverwood
- Simar
- Simpson
- Sinclair, Township of
- Sinnott, Township of
- Sioux Agency, Township of
- Sioux Valley
- Sioux Valley, Township of
- Six Mile Grove, Township of