Places beginning with MA in Iowa, United States
- Macedonia
- Macedonia, Township of
- Macey
- Mackey
- Macksburg
- Maclay (historical)
- Madison County
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Madrid
- Magill
- Magnolia
- Magnolia, Township of
- Magor, Township of
- Maharishi Vedic City
- Mahaska County
- Maine
- Maine, Township of
- Makee, Township of
- Malaka, Township of
- Malcom
- Malcom, Township of
- Mallard
- Mallory, Township of
- Malone
- Maloy
- Malta
- Malvern
- Malvern, City of
- Mammen
- Manatheka (historical)
- Manchester
- Manhattan Beach Resort
- Manilla
- Manly
- Manning
- Manning, City of
- Manson
- Manteno
- Mantua, Township of
- Maple Hill
- Maple Landing (historical)
- Maple Leaf
- Maple River
- Maple River, Township of
- Mapleside
- Mapleton
- Maple, Township of
- Maple, Township of
- Maple Valley, Township of
- Maquoketa
- Maquoketa, Township of
- Marathon
- Marble Rock
- Marcus
- Marcus, Township of
- Marcy, Township of
- Mardan Mobile Home Court
- Marengo
- Marengo, Township of
- Marietta
- Marietta, Township of
- Marion
- Marion County
- Marion Mobile Home Park
- Marion, Township of
- Marion, Township of
- Marion, Township of
- Marion, Township of
- Marion, Township of
- Marion, Township of
- Marion, Township of
- Marion, Township of
- Marion, Township of
- Marion, Township of
- Mariposa, Township of
- Mark
- Marne
- Marquette
- Marquisville
- Marsh
- Marshall County
- Marshall (historical)
- Marshalltown
- Marshall, Township of
- Marshall, Township of
- Marshall, Township of
- Marshall, Township of
- Martelle
- Martensdale
- Martinsburg
- Martinstown
- Mary Hill
- Marysville
- Marysville (historical)
- Maryville
- Mason City
- Mason City
- Mason City Junction
- Mason, Township of
- Mason, Township of
- Masonville
- Massena
- Massena, Township of
- Massey
- Massillon
- Massillon, Township of
- Matlock
- Maud
- Maulsby
- Maurice
- Max
- Maxfield, Township of
- Maxon
- Maxwell
- May City
- Mayflower Mobile Home Park
- Maynard
- Maysville