Places beginning with BR in Iowa, United States
- Braddyville
- Bradford
- Bradford
- Bradford, Township of
- Bradgate
- Brainard
- Brandon
- Brandon, Township of
- Brayton
- Brazil
- Breckenridge Estates
- Breda
- Bremen, Township of
- Bremer
- Bremer County
- Bricker
- Bridgeport
- Bridgeport
- Bridgeport
- Bridgewater
- Brighton
- Brighton, Township of
- Brighton, Township of
- Bristol
- Bristol, Township of
- Bristol, Township of
- Bristow
- Britt
- Britt, Township of
- Brogan (historical)
- Bromley
- Brompton
- Bronson
- Brookdale
- Brooke, Township of
- Brookfield, Township of
- Brookfield, Township of
- Brooklyn
- Brook Mount
- Brooks
- Brookville
- Browns
- Brownsville
- Brown, Township of
- Brownville
- Bruce, Township of
- Brucewell
- Brunsville
- Brushy
- Bryant
- Bryantsburg