Places beginning with MA in Indiana, United States
- Mace
- Macedonia
- Mackey
- Mackie
- Macy
- Madalline
- Madison
- Madison County
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Madison, Township of
- Magee
- Magley
- Magnet
- Magnetic Springs
- Magnolia
- Mahalasville
- Mahan Crossing
- Mahon
- Majenica
- Makin
- Malden
- Mallot Park (historical)
- Maltersville
- Manchester
- Manchester
- Manchester, Township of
- Manhattan
- Manilla
- Manor Woods
- Mansfield
- Manson
- Manville
- Maple Lane
- Maple Ridge
- Maples
- Mapleton
- Mapleton Corner
- Maple Valley
- Maplewood
- Maplewood Park
- Marble Hill
- Marco
- Mardenis
- Marengo
- Mariah Hill
- Marian Manor
- Marietta
- Marineland Gardens
- Marion
- Marion
- Marion County
- Marion Heights
- Marion Mills
- Marion, Township of
- Marion, Township of
- Marion, Township of
- Marion, Township of
- Marion, Township of
- Marion, Township of
- Marion, Township of
- Marion, Township of
- Marion, Township of
- Marion, Township of
- Marion, Township of
- Marion, Township of
- Markland
- Markle
- Markles
- Markleville
- Marlin Hills
- Marrs Center
- Marrs, Township of
- Marshall
- Marshall County
- Marshall, Township of
- Marshfield
- Marshfield
- Marshtown
- Martin
- Martin County
- Martin Heights
- Martinsburg
- Martinsville
- Marysville
- Marysville
- Massacre
- Matamoras
- Matthews
- Mattix Corner
- Mauckport
- Maumee
- Maumee, Township of
- Mauzy
- Max
- Maxinkuckee
- Maxville
- Maxville
- Maxwell
- Maxwell
- Mayfield
- Mayflower Meadows
- Maynard
- Mays
- Maysville
- Maysville Crossing
- Maywood