Places beginning with RO in Arkansas, United States
- Roane, Township of
- Roanoke, Township of
- Roark
- Roasting Ear, Township of
- Roberts (historical)
- Roberts (historical)
- Roberts, Township of
- Robertsville
- Robinson
- Rob Roy
- Rochelle Riviera
- Rock
- Rock Creek (historical)
- Rock Creek (subdivision)
- Rock Creek, Township of
- Rock Hill
- Rockhouse
- Rockport
- Rock Springs
- Rock Springs
- Rock Springs
- Rock Springs (historical), Township of
- Rockwell
- Rocky
- Rocky Comfort
- Rocky Comfort
- Rocky Comfort (historical)
- Rocky Hill
- Rocky Mound
- Rocky Mound
- Rocky Mound
- Roc Roe, Township of
- Roc Roe, Township of
- Rodney
- Roe
- Roff (historical)
- Rogers
- Rogers Addition (subdivision)
- Rogers, Township of
- Rohwer
- Rokey
- Roland
- Roland (historical), Township of
- Rolfe Junction
- Rolla
- Roller Ridge, Township of
- Rolling Hills
- Rolling Hills
- Rollinson (historical)
- Romance
- Rome City (historical)
- Rondo
- Rondo
- Rone
- Roosevelt
- Rorie (historical), Township of
- Rosa
- Rosboro
- Rose Bud
- Rose City
- Rose Creek (historical), Township of
- Rose Creek, Township of
- Rosedale
- Rosedale (historical)
- Rosedale (historical)
- Rose Hill
- Rose Hill
- Rose (historical), Township of
- Roseland
- Rosenbaum
- Rose Place
- Rosetta
- Roseville
- Roseville, Township of
- Rosie
- Rosie, Township of
- Rosine
- Ross
- Rosston
- Ross Van Ness
- Rotan
- Rotan
- Rottaken
- Rough and Ready (historical)
- Rough Edge (historical)
- Round Hill
- Round Mountain
- Round Pond
- Round Prairie, Township of
- Round Top (historical)
- Rover
- Rover, Township of
- Rowell
- Rowell, Township of
- Rowland (historical), Township of
- Rowlett (historical)
- Roxton
- Roy
- Roy
- Royal
- Royal, Township of