Places beginning with BU in Arkansas, United States
- Buckeye
- Buckeye
- Buckhorn
- Buckhorn, Township of
- Buckhorn, Township of
- Buck Knob
- Buckner
- Buck Range
- Buck Range, Township of
- Bucks Landing
- Bucksnort
- Buck Snort
- Bucksville (historical)
- Bucksville (historical), Township of
- Budd Creek
- Buddys Landing
- Budsmith (historical)
- Buell
- Buena Vista
- Buena Vista (historical), Township of
- Buffalo City
- Buffalo (historical)
- Buffalo (historical)
- Buffalolick (historical)
- Buffalo, Township of
- Buffalo, Township of
- Buffo (historical)
- Buford
- Buford, Township of
- Buie
- Bullard, Township of
- Bullfrog Valley
- Bull Shoals
- Bulltown
- Bunker Hill
- Bunn
- Bunney
- Bunn, Township of
- Burdette
- Burdette, Township of
- Burg
- Burg, Township of
- Burke, Township of
- Burks
- Burlington
- Burma (historical)
- Burna
- Burnett, Township of
- Burnt Cane
- Burnt Cane Crossing
- Burnt Hill
- Burnville
- Buroak
- Burton
- Burton Mill
- Burtsell
- Busch
- Bushtown (historical)
- Bussey
- Butler
- Butler, Township of
- Butler, Township of
- Butlerville
- Butter Creek (historical)
- Butterfield
- Butterfield, Township of
- Buttermilk
- Buttry (historical)
- Buzzard Roost (historical)