Traveling Luck for Liechtenstein. Liechtenstein, Europe

Liechtenstein is located in Central Europe, between Austria and Switzerland.

Land in Liechtenstein is mostly mountainous (Alps) with Rhine Valley in western third.

Liechtenstein land covers an area of 160 square kilometers which is about 0.9 times the size of Washington, DC

Liechtenstein has borders with Austria for 34.899999999999999km and Switzerland for 41.100000000000001km.

Liechtenstein flag Liechtenstein national flag (Flag of Liechtenstein)

As for the Liechtenstein climate; continental; cold, cloudy winters with frequent snow or rain; cool to moderately warm, cloudy, humid summers.

Liechtensteiner(s) speak German (official), Alemannic dialect.

Places of note in Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein Map Liechtenstein map

Regions of Liechtenstein

The Principality of Liechtenstein was established within the Holy Roman Empire in 1719; it became a sovereign state in 1806. Until the end of World War I, it was closely tied to Austria, but the economic devastation caused by that conflict forced Liechtenstein to enter into a customs and monetary union with Switzerland. Since World War II (in which Liechtenstein remained neutral), the country's low taxes have spurred outstanding economic growth. Shortcomings in banking regulatory oversight have resulted in concerns about the use of the financial institutions for money laundering. Liechtenstein has, however, implemented new anti-money-laundering legislation and recently concluded a Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty with the US.

Country Profile for Liechtenstein

Despite its small size and limited natural resources, Liechtenstein has developed into a prosperous, highly industrialized, free-enterprise economy with a vital financial service sector and living standards on a par with its large European neighbors. The Liechtenstein economy is widely diversified with a large number of small businesses. Low business taxes - the maximum tax rate is 20% - and easy incorporation rules have induced many holding or so-called letter box companies to establish nominal offices in Liechtenstein, providing 30% of state revenues. The country participates in a customs union with Switzerland and uses the Swiss franc as its national currency. It imports more than 90% of its energy requirements. Liechtenstein has been a member of the European Economic Area (an organization serving as a bridge between the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the EU) since May 1995. The government is working to harmonize its economic policies with those of an integrated Europe.

Liechtenstein natural resources include hydroelectric potential, arable land

along with Uzbekistan, one of only two doubly landlocked countries in the world; variety of microclimatic variations based on elevation

Liechtenstein religion is Roman Catholic 76.2%, Protestant 7%, unknown 10.6%, other 6.2% (June 2002).

Natural hazards in Liechtenstein include NA.