This world index, covering all continents was made by Dunc.

It's lovely that you are interested enough to read this page. Thanks for your visit.

On this website you will find most places on our planet, roughly where they are and what is nearby. Maps, Wikipedia, weather, airports and, in Europe, cheap flight connections are brought together on one page. It's really just a test project, inspired by the current mashup trend. If you have a use for this thing, let me know.

If you're concerned about accuracy of data seen on this site; Some of the place locations are a little off target. This is due to rounding errors in the data we got from the nice people at the US Government. Let's just hope they don't guide missiles with these numbers. I should also point out that some distances shown may be incorrect. This is because the same values are used in the calculation of distance. Sorry.

If you are having trouble locating a place then please use the World Place Search where you can click on a map or search by names.

If you are the lucky owver of a mobile device that knows where it is, why not try out the "What's near me search".