Traveling Luck for Northern Mariana Islands. Northern Mariana Islands, Oceania
Northern Mariana Islands is located in Oceania, islands in the North Pacific Ocean, about three-quarters of the way from Hawaii to the Philippines.
Land in Northern Mariana Islands is southern islands are limestone with level terraces and fringing coral reefs; northern islands are volcanic.
NA land covers an area of 477 square kilometers which is 2.5 times the size of Washington, DC
NA national flag (Flag of Northern Mariana Islands)
As for the NA climate; tropical marine; moderated by northeast trade winds, little seasonal temperature variation; dry season December to June, rainy season July to October.
NA (US citizens) speak Philippine languages 24.4%, Chinese 23.4%, Chamorro 22.4%, English 10.8%, other Pacific island languages 9.5%, other 9.6% (2000 census).
Places of note in Northern Mariana Islands

Regions of Northern Mariana Islands
Under US administration as part of the UN Trust Territory of the Pacific, the people of the Northern Mariana Islands decided in the 1970s not to seek independence but instead to forge closer links with the US. Negotiations for territorial status began in 1972. A covenant to establish a commonwealth in political union with the US was approved in 1975, and came into force on 24 March 1976. A new government and constitution went into effect in 1978.
The economy benefits substantially from financial assistance from the US. The rate of funding has declined as locally generated government revenues have grown. The key tourist industry employs about 50% of the work force and accounts for roughly one-fourth of GDP. Japanese tourists predominate. Annual tourist entries have exceeded one-half million in recent years, but financial difficulties in Japan have caused a temporary slowdown. The agricultural sector is made up of cattle ranches and small farms producing coconuts, breadfruit, tomatoes, and melons. Garment production is by far the most important industry with the employment of 17,500 mostly Chinese workers and sizable shipments to the US under duty and quota exemptions.
NA natural resources include arable land, fish
strategic location in the North Pacific Ocean
NA religion is Christian (Roman Catholic majority, although traditional beliefs and taboos may still be found).
Natural hazards in Northern Mariana Islands include active volcanoes on Pagan and Agrihan; typhoons (especially August to November).